IMWA - International Mine Water Association

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Home Mine Water Weblinks
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41   Link   Mines and Minerals Division, Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines
42   Link   Mining Environmental Management
43   Link   Mining Services Directory
44   Link   Mining USA
45   Link   Missouri University of Science and Technology
46   Link   National Association of Mining Districts
47   Link   National Mining Association
48   Link   Nevada Division of Minerals
49   Link   Nevada Mining Association
50   Link   New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources
51   Link   New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
52   Link   North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers (NEIMME)
53   Link   Northwest Mining Association
54   Link   Ohio Mining and Reclamation Association
55   Link   Pennsylvania State University
56   Link   People for the West
57   Link   Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation
58   Link   Royal School of Mines - Department of Earth Resources Engineering
59   Link   Salt Institute
60   Link   SME - Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration
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News Flash

Mine Water and the Environment is now listed in the Science Citation Index.