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Home Journal Content

“International Journal of Mine Water”

Volume 7, Number 3, September 1988

PDFSingh, R. N. & Reed, S. M. (1988): Mathematical Modelling for Estimation of Minewater Inflow to a Surface Mining Operation. - Int. J. Mine Water, 7 (3): 1-33, 10 fig., 3 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFMielcarek, W. (1988): Application of Deep Diaphragm Walls for Groundwater Control in Open cast Lignite Mining in the German Democratic Republic. - Int. J. Mine Water, 7 (3): 35-47, 9 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFSingh, G. (1988): Impact of coal mining on mine water quality. - Int. J. Mine Water, 7 (3): 49-59, 7 tab.; Nottingham.

Last Updated on Friday, 17 February 2012 19:56  

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